Have you ever crossed this enclosed room on your school campus? the one where there are piles and stacks of paper documents? If so, you might have been curious enough to open the drawer of an old binder and watch the contents. Aside from dust and cobwebs, you’ll have found years or maybe even decades of class notes, authorization sheets, cafeteria orders, report cards, and more. And it’s not just your school. Traditional school systems in Canada must keep records and records in order to comply with the law. Some schools, overcrowded, pay for storing paper documents off site.

You are right to ask: Is there a better way? 

Retaining and managing paper documents are an expensive challenge and is best left to the 20 th century.

  • Equipment and Product Costs – Printed documents require a budget for ink, paper, and the purchase and service of expensive office equipment. For example, take a five-page paper document. Now multiply that number by twenty students. Then, multiply this number by 15 classes. There should be a better way to invest your limited resources.
  • Storage Costs  – Documents stored on site take up valuable space in your school that could better serve student activities. When there is no more space on site, schools need to rely on off-site storage, adding costs to already tight budgets. 
  • Staff Time – Today, digital technologies reduce the burden on staff of highly inefficient tasks in managing a paper document system (print, copy, sort and file). With a few keystrokes, staff can search and retrieve data to respond to requests accurately and efficiently.
  • Security  – Paper documents can be damaged by fire or flood, creating many problems, including compliance issues, for school boards, administrators, and teachers.
  • Image  – More than ever, today’s parents and children, and even recent graduates, rely on technology to communicate, organize and even sign legal documents. If your school still runs paper, it sends the message to future employees, as well as to new student groups that you have not yet evolved. They will ask themselves:  if this school has not yet evolved in technology, what other aspects are obsolete?

Ricoh to the rescue

Depuis plus d’une décennie, Ricoh aide les écoles à adopter le merveilleux monde de la technologie. Il s’agit de la raison pour laquelle de nombreuses écoles à l’échelle du Canada ont choisi Ricoh comme partenaire pour développer des solutions de stockage numériques, ce qui leur a permis de se débarrasser de technologies désuètes et d’économiser temps et argent.

Avec Ricoh, vous obtenez des conseils de pointe pour identifier les besoins précis de votre école. Le résultat : une transition harmonieuse au stockage et à la numérisation sécuritaires de vos documents dans le nuage. De plus, les solutions de Ricoh s’intègrent à l’équipement et aux logiciels existants, réduisant ainsi les coûts d’ajouts associés aux programmes standard.

Many Canadian schools have already disposed of expensive off-site storage rooms and off-site storage. Is not this the perfect time for your school to join the movement to the cloud?

Contact a Ricoh representative today!

Talk to a Ricoh representative to see how we can help! Contact us at  educationsolutions@ricoh.ca

Please note that Ricoh does not provide legal advice and does not maintain compliance with any law, regulation, by-law or other legislative requirement regarding the content of this communication. It is the client’s responsibility to obtain the advice of a qualified legal advisor regarding these requirements.