Streamlining Processes

Did you know that while numbers vary by industry and sector, the majority of an organization’s documents are still archived in paper form?

Our people-first approach to digital transformation focuses on understanding your business processes and re-engineering them with security, sustainability and productivity in mind.

Once we’ve mapped out the flow of information around your business, we can transform physical operations such as print and mailrooms. Or apply intelligent, rules-based workflows to minimise human intervention. And create real-time dashboards so that the entire business has oversight of business process efficiencies.

REX saves money, improves efficiency and increases employee satisfaction at Rico...

"Practise what you preach" is not just a catch phrase at Ricoh, it’s a way of life. As a global tech company that specialises in business services, imaging equipment, production print solutions...

Why in-hospital pharmacies should be automated

Adverse drug events can be prevented with this low-cost improvement to existing in-hospital infrastructure. Despite the amount of focus on electronic health records (EHR...

Road to digital health in your organisation

Michael Burgoyne, National Healthcare Sales Lead at Ricoh Canada answers questions on digital health trends, the unfulfilled promise of CPOE, and how hospitals should avo...

Case Study: The benefits of customised forms

The Town of Okotoks, Alberta is the largest town in Alberta and one of the largest growing communities in Canada. As such, it faces some of the problems which are commo...

Private, public, or hybrid?

Managing a mobile print network Is printing a problem for your employees when they’re away from their desks? What happens when they’re working in another department or w...
A document management primer_digitization for SMBs_NC

Document management – digitization for SMBs

Document management systems make a lot of sense for any organization, but never more than now, as digital documents and remote work are table stakes for every day, fricti...

How to build a data driven security strategy

As organizations operate in a more distributed way, with both remote and in-office employees, attack surfaces multiply and security management becomes increasingly comple...

A print operations manager’s checklist

The number of mail pieces moving through the Postal Service is on the upswing, and marketers are again eyeing traditional mail as a viable vehicle to reach customers and ...

Today is cultural diversity day

May 21st marks the World Day for Cultural Diversity. The United Nations created this day to encourage dialogue about culture to “promote understanding between cultures an...