cloud services
Your business has realized that it can save money, time, and physical real estate by moving data storage to a cloud system.
Your CIO is on board with the move, but within your industry there’s still some skepticism regarding the security of the cloud and whether your clients’ confidential information will remain protected.
The cloud can help you be much more agile, but skepticism still lingers about the security of the cloud.
So is the cloud safe? In a word, yes. However, your business still needs to take steps to keep its information secure. Here are our top tips for staying on Cloud 9, so to speak:


Humans Are the Weakest Link

Cyber-criminals and hackers rely on human error—that’s how they seize their advantage. Mistakes in infrastructure or misconfigured cloud servers are prime examples of how a hacker can wedge a foot in the door.
Moving information to the cloud should be done slowly and with care, to minimize and eliminate potential errors or weak spots.


Employees Need to Be Prepared for Phishing

While fishing can be a great team-building activity, phishing is not—and it can leave your business vulnerable to cyber-criminals who could climb their way into your cloud. All employees, regardless of if they’re in the C-suite or a summer intern, need to be trained and have a solid understanding of how to recognize phishing and what to do in the case of a suspected malicious email or text message.
Having a strong internal program around this very real threat is an important step in defending your cloud storage.


Who Holds the Keys?

Before information is uploaded to the cloud, it is strongly recommended that the information be encrypted. But who within your organization holds the keys to cloud storage, and what programs are they using to encrypt data?
Your company needs to have a plan for the way your cloud storage is governed—laying out a clear strategy, framework and process that outlines who’s accountable for what.