Simplifying Technology

How can you simplify technology while optimizing the value of IT investments and infrastructure?

These days we often hear it said that investing in IT infrastructure will help employees to be more productive.

Our people-first approach to digital transformation focuses on understanding your workforce and creating specific end-user personas, tailored to help your staff work in the way that is most productive. We design and implement hardware and software solutions that foster collaboration and supply infrastructural IT that ensures 24/7 uptime, support, backups and security

Getting back on track at your workplace

It’s that time of the year again. You know it. That strange transition period as summer draws to a close marked by the return from your vacation (all caused by that big r...

Is Ransomware Malware’s Killer App?

Computer viruses has been around for almost as long as computers themselves. Like many of the early tinkerers of computing, the motivations of early virus authors ran the...

Improving your organization’s info management

What is your company’s most valuable asset? Without a doubt, it’s your information. Information management drives your organization forward and distinguishes you from co...

5 reasons cleaning your data is vital to your organization

By: Natasha Doucas Bad data is typically categorized as erroneous, duplicate, personal or sensitive in nature, but there's more to it than that. Bad data can also be def...

Do whiteboards make sense for businesses?

By David Danto The Interactive Multimedia & Collaborative Communications Alliance (IMCCA)  For years, interactive whiteboards (IWB) — perhaps more accurately refe...

Mobile solutions: Serve your constituents better

In this technological age, an increasing number of constituents are accessing public sector information through their mobile devices. As the millennials who have grown up...
Cybersecurity tax

Tips: Ward off cybercrime during tax season

Tax season.Two words guaranteed to strike fear into the hearts of many. For accountants, it means business is booming; for everyone else, it means sorting through boxes o...

Protect yourself against wearable tech hacks

The wellness movement has started to take the tech world by storm. Every day, more of us want to better understand our health and fitness - and whether that’s done by tra...

Today is cultural diversity day

May 21st marks the World Day for Cultural Diversity. The United Nations created this day to encourage dialogue about culture to “promote understanding between cultures an...