Assurer la sécurité de vos dossiers

Les universités détiennent beaucoup de dossiers privés. Si ces dossiers sont perdus ou divulgués, cela peut mener à de graves conséquences. Les inquiétudes au niveau de la séc... Lire la suite

Ricoh sait ce qu’elle fait

Vous vous demandez peut-être pourquoi vous voudriez choisir Ricoh alors qu’il existe de nombreux fournisseurs de solutions de gestion de contenu d’entreprise (GCE)/de gestion ... Lire la suite

Optimiser les comptes créditeurs

Post-secondary institutions have to deal with huge amounts of bills. This often results in a complicated accounts payable procedure. If these procedures are paper-based or fra... Lire la suite

L’administration locale idéale : la vérification

Les vérifications sont certes le pire cauchemar d’un service des finances. Que ce soit une vérification périodique ou une vérification résultant d’un système inefficace ou de ... Lire la suite

Plus de course aux notes

You have just finished your exams and you are tired. And now, all you want to do is lie down in bed and relax or hang out with friends to celebrate the end of the session. Eve... Lire la suite

L’administration locale idéale : les comptes débiteurs

Optimizing an Accounts Receivable (AD) procedure can significantly improve an organization's financial performance. This is all the more important for local governments, which... Lire la suite

Garder vos étudiants informés

Universities often host decisive events and seminars for students. However, on a number of occasions, attendance at these types of events was lower than what administrators ex... Lire la suite

Ricoh a reçu la plus grande distinction du Conseil du recyclage de l’Ontario

Ricoh has always been committed to finding green business processes and ways to reduce waste. We are dedicated to working with local governments to provide such solutions whil... Lire la suite

Comment Ricoh peut sauver les activités parascolaires

Parents send their children to some schools rather than others because the best education is undoubtedly their main motto. Parents love the idea of ​​a balanced experience. Te... Lire la suite

Comment faire face à un désastre

Municipal governments sometimes face unforeseen challenges from disasters such as fires, floods and snowstorms, to name a few. In the event of disaster, it is essential to rol... Lire la suite