birch trees
Plantation of birch trees with fresh leafs in the town forest of Cologne in spring time. Photo taken with 17mm tilt and shift lenses.

Les systèmes de dossiers et de fichiers papier pourraient sembler accessibles, cependant ils viennent avec une longue liste d’inconvénients comme l’impact négatif sur l’environnement ainsi que les coûts associés aux fournitures papier, à l’impression et aux besoins d’entreposage. Sans compter le temps requis pour accéder manuellement à de tels documents en cherchant et en récupérant des documents vieux de plusieurs décennies dans de grands classeurs, ce qui peut devenir une tâche accablante. Toutefois, le plus grand des défis est la vulnérabilité des dossiers papier aux dommages physiques et aux pertes. Les événements imprévisibles comme les incendies, les inondations et les tempêtes de neige peuvent gravement endommager ou détruire les documents importants; et si elle est basée sur un système de dossiers papier, l’information des documents endommagés ne peut tout simplement pas être récupérée. Avec les changements climatiques en vigueur partout au Canada qui ne cessent d’augmenter, le gouvernement provincial de la Colombie-Britannique a publié un communiqué énonçant qu’en moyenne 2 000 feux de forêt affectant près de 100 000 hectares de terre se produisent chaque année dans la région de la Colombie-Britannique 1 . The regions with the highest number of forest fires are in British Columbia, the boreal forest areas of Ontario, Quebec, the Prairie Provinces and the Northwest Territories  2 . The huge impact seen over the past two years led the government of British Columbia to issue an emergency, since these disasters are not expected to decrease in the coming years 1 .

Digitization of printed records can ensure that an organization or community maintains controlled and organized access to important data. By using a cloud file and file system, organizations can protect their documents from unpredictable damage or loss. It also provides easier access to information and streamlined digital workflows that improve efficiency, productivity and member satisfaction. In fact, it has been shown that organizations were saving 3.1 hours each week by making the transition from paper to digital, enabling people to accomplish more during their day  3. In addition, digital file and folder systems eliminate the costs associated with physical storage and paper supplies.

Aboriginal communities hold invaluable information dating back hundreds of years. From ancient publications to native language records, these documents contain centuries of valuable historical information on paper. With the unpredictable and ongoing natural disasters that occur around us, storing such information becomes a very important aspect, especially with respect to conservation. Historical records, membership information and business records held by Aboriginal communities are vulnerable to damage and loss in a paper system. A transition to a digital system improves protection and preservation while making research more efficient in the long run.

Looking to the future, we see that Aboriginal communities will be able to ensure that their history is preserved securely, but also that future generations will be able to transmit ancestral traditions. If they do not have access to the documents of their heritage, younger generations may feel a break between their modern life and the legacy of their Aboriginal ancestors. The digitization of historical information allows new generations to feel more attached to their roots without sacrificing the use of current technology and can help communities maintain or even breathe new life into old traditions.

As a member of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCCA), Ricoh is committed to providing customized solutions to help Aboriginal communities digitize, but most importantly, to preserve their historical records, their old documents and all corporate and public information. to access it safely. To learn more about how working with Ricoh can help bridge the gaps between your community’s traditions and the technological expectations of new generations, visit .

1 BC Land Management Manual:
2 Government of Canada – Get Ready: Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
3 Automation of Ricoh’s Business Process: -process – Automation