Schools often have a large amount of old textbooks filled with outdated information. However, school boards may feel compelled to keep them, since the only other option is recycling, which can be an expensive process.

Digital textbooks are often cheaper than their paper counterparts and can be accompanied by online learning software and automatic updates. Although the digital shift may be an obstacle, it is accompanied by huge rewards. Ricoh has experience in supporting such digital transitions for many organizations, from schools to hospitals. We can offer our complete digital services so that the transition is smooth. 

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Ricoh provides a complete set of solutions. We can start with individual solutions for an organization as we build a relationship of trust. We can then find other ways to help our partners improve in other sectors if they ask for it. At any time, we can easily provide new solutions to meet new challenges that have been discovered.

  • Our Enterprise Content Management System (ECM) can be used to empower students; they will no longer be able to claim that they did not do the exercise because they “lost the book”.
  • Tests and homework can be incorporated into digital textbooks. Teachers save valuable time by using these already designed tests. Many, however, do not use them because it can be difficult to track student responses. As Ricoh understands that they can save a lot of time, we can link the answers to your GCE system – and make teachers’ lives easier.
  • We know that many schools already use learning management systems to track student data. We can integrate our solutions into these systems so you can get the best of both worlds without making your IT service more complex.
  • From our systems, we can produce valuable analysis data, which faculty and school administrators can use to guide their future decisions regarding increased investment in specific areas of the school for their school. improvement or growth.
  • The student’s progress in textbooks and the questions in them can be tracked and alerts can be sent to the student and teacher.
  • A web portal can be set up to allow students access to textbooks and other important information.

Mettre en œuvre un tel système comporte plusieurs avantages pour une école, bien au-delà des économies monétaires évidentes associées à l’achat de manuels scolaires numériques. En raison du fait que ces textes numériques peuvent être liés à d’autres processus automatiques, il permet aux professeurs d’économiser du temps précieux — du temps qui peut être passé avec les étudiants directement. De plus, se débarrasser de manuels papier peut aider à dégager beaucoup d’espace dans l’école — penser seulement à toutes les armoires contenant présentement des manuels. Cet espace peut servir à ajouter plus de personnels ou à obtenir de l’équipement ou des classes supplémentaires.

Working with Ricoh and using digital textbooks will probably help your students and your community to have more confidence in your school board management. They will see that you are working to improve the school using modern technology and educational standards. Parents want the best for their children and will certainly be happy to know that their children are learning (and working) with the latest and most effective technology.

Contact a Ricoh representative today to find out how we can help you digitize your learning tools!

Talk to a Ricoh representative about how to make digital learning happen. Contact us by email at .