In this era of high technology, a growing number of voters are accessing public sector information through their mobile devices. As the millennial generation, which grew up surrounded by technology, begins to grow in the tax base, reaching this audience becomes more and more important. As one participant in a study on the effects of technology on local governments mentioned: “People want to communicate with their administration using the same tools they use in their personal and professional lives. It’s a matter of using the tools they feel comfortable with and doing it quickly and conveniently. This same study showed that 97, 5% of local government professionals surveyed said that “convenience” is the biggest benefit of mobile service to citizens. Administrations are increasingly open to mobility: more than a third of respondents (35.4%) intend to invest in mobile public services this year.



If your local government has not yet adopted the mobile revolution, Ricoh can help you. We have been working with local governments in Canada for over a decade and will provide you with tools to help your administration update itself. Local governments face particular challenges when moving to mobile services. This is especially true for access to information laws that are often achieved through a long manual process and leave citizens dissatisfied with the results. Ricoh designs its solutions to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Ricoh can digitize the process for responding to access to information requests by:

  • moving the online access to information request form.
  • Digitization of files so that information can be easily interrogated and collected.
  • the warning of the parties concerned when their signature or comments are required. 
  • sending e-mail documents and communicating with the requester at each stage of the process. 

Grâce à cette solution, un électeur peut demander de l’information au moyen d’un formulaire de demande d’accès à l’information sur son téléphone, recevoir des avis par courriel à mesure que les différentes étapes du processus sont compétées, et lire le document envoyé sur leur téléphone. Ce processus est avantageux tant pour les électeurs que pour l’administration. Il permet de diminuer les temps de réponse ainsi que le nombre d’heures consacrées par les employés à chercher dans les dossiers papier (y compris les déplacements vers l’emplacement de stockage). Un tel système basé sur les données peut offrir un aperçu des fichiers les plus demandés ainsi que l’explication qui s’y rattache, et une meilleure perception de l’efficacité d’une administration.

Ricoh provides extensive support and tailors our digital solutions to your situation – by integrating with existing software and hardware. Our experience working with local governments speaks for itself and we hope yours will be our next success story.

Moving to a mobile environment can seem difficult. We can realize it.