The future is green! Governments across Canada and the world are progressively recognizing the value that going green provides. It is vitally important for our future that governments are environmentally friendly and have sustainable business practices. In fact, constituents are increasingly demanding these things from their leaders.

However, governments are sometimes afraid of accepting this change because with they fear it will cost too much. Amid funding cuts and staff reductions, this is a very real issue. However, Ricoh can ensure that your government can go green while saving money and improving efficiency.


Going green isn’t just the right thing to do;
it also helps solve many of the issues which local governments face, such

  • The cost of storage space for filing
    and handling paper-based records. These costs can be quite high when all
    the factors for maintaining these documents are considered.
  • Having to assign employee hours to
    searching for and retrieving documents although there are other important tasks
    to be done. Properly utilizing this time can vastly improve government
  • Risk of being non-compliant with
    future federal and provincial legislation which is predicted to demand more
    eco-friendly practices. By becoming future-proof, your government can help ensure
    that it doesn’t one day find itself facing legal action from a law it was
    unaware of.
  • Possible damage to physical documents
    through years of use. Physical documents are vulnerable to over-use, floods,
    fires and other hazards. Ricoh provides recovery and continuance services so
    that governments can get up and running quickly if these things happen.
  • The cost of printing documents. This
    can be quite substantial when there are information requests which may constitute
    thousands of pages. In addition, printing that much paper is very
    environmentally unfriendly.
  • A slower workflow due to an inability
    to work remotely. This means that important processes may be held up because
    workers are not in the office, even when they just have to sign off on
  • A negative perception of your
    government by eco-friendly constituents. As more people become aware of
    environmental issues this will become a bigger problem.

Ricoh has over a decade of experience in creating
eco-friendly digital solutions for local governments in Canada. We have worked
with over a hundred municipalities across the country and have received
numerous awards for our work such as the Canada Award for Excellence. Unlike
other solutions, we are keenly aware of the unique challenges which local
governments face and are familiar with the compliance requirements in each
province and territory.

Ricoh provides comprehensive document
management and process automation solutions through which a local government

    • Digitize its records – reducing
      storage space costs and making search and retrieval a breeze. We will work with
      the government to determine which records need to to be kept and which can be discarded.


    • Automate important business process so
      that employee hours can be better utilized.


    • Allow secure remote work and mobile
      printing – increasing productivity and potentially employee happiness.


    • Ensure compliance with retention
      requirements through an automated storage system – decreasing the risk of
      noncompliance violations.


    • Allow constituents to submit requests
      such as Freedom of Information requests electronically and keeping them up to
      date on every step of the process – leading to a better relationship with


  • Ensure that different departments
    follow standard conventions across the organization. This will help ensure that
    files can be transferred through departments with ease.


In addition, Ricoh provides extensive support
and customization. We work with local governments you to deliver exactly what they
need, providing a comprehensive solution which integrates with existing
software and hardware. Ricoh will help your government have not only a greener
office but one that is more efficient and effective as well. Increase the green
in your office and in your collective wallets with Ricoh!


Visit for more details about our document management solutions for local governments.